R3 Stem Cell Therapies for Arthritis in Knees by Dr. David Greene Arizona

When the cartilage lining the joints begins to deteriorate, causing pain and limiting function, Arthritis Develops, and Osteoarthritis is the primary cause of disability in the U.S., said Dr. David Greene.  Regular failure of orthopedic surgeries, Brought Stem Cell therapies as the first choice of individuals with such issues.

The usual job of joint cartilage is to develop the constant movement of joint surfaces and protect the bones from friction. Osteoarthritis is one of the most chronic degenerative disorder that very often affect the knees. It can also be caused by an injury such as Ligament Tear, Tendon Damage or a fracture, said Dr. David Greene Arizona.

Stem Cell Therapy for Knees is minimally invasive, that process with the power to decrease inflammation, repair the damages from Arthritis and can also delay or prevent from Orthopedic Surgeries.

Adult Stem Cells can be harvested from Bone Marrow or Fat using simple methods, and then it's concentrated and injected into the knee with image guidance, usually to successful results. Stem Cells are extracted from a patient's own body, so there are no chances of rejection and side-effects.

R3 Stem Cell
has treated over 10000 patients with its associated centers and knees that are injected with stem cells are in better shape than they were before the injections.

David Greene Orthopedic Say that stem cell therapy for the knee works by:
  • Developing into essential cartilage cells
  • Thwarting the inflammation that can worsen Arthritis
  • Releasing proteins called cytokines that slow degeneration of cartilage and reduce pain

Stem Cell Therapies are proven treatment for Arthritis, which has been successful over time and has put orthopedic surgeries aside. Stem Cell surgeries provide the fastest recovery and patient go back to a healthy life in a couple of days. Contact us for further inquiry regarding Stem Cell Therapies.


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