R3 On The Future of Stem Cell Treatments | Dr. David Greene

What is R3 Stem Cell? : R3 offers education, marketing, and research services for providers and prospective patients alike in the U.S. This regenerative medicine company was founded by Dr. David Greene Arizona in 2013 and organization has successfully performed over 11000 procedures. Over 35 clinics are associated with company worldwide. R3's regenerative biologics include amniotic and umbilical cord tissue that provides millions of regenerative cells such as exosomes, growth factors, secretomes, microRNA, and stem cells. 

What is Stem Cell Therapy? : Regenerating and restoring the health of patients afflicted with various chronic ailments worldwide. Patients seeking pain relief along with an increased quality of life have been undergoing regenerative cell therapies that are nonoperative, safe and assist the body's existing repair mechanisms in amping up their activity, said Dr. David Greene Arizona

As research and investment into stem cell therapy increases, scientists of multidisciplinary communities are beginning to understand the existing and future solutions with regenerative medicine therapies. This includes continuing knowledge regarding the different types of stem cells, along with the additional cells that help the body repair itself, such as exosomes, secretomes, cytokines, and microRNA.

Despite the controversy that swirls around the topic due to the public's perception and ethical concerns, the market size of the stem cell industry is at $8.65 billion through 2018 and has been projected at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 8.8%, according to an industrywide study published by Grand View Research, a market research and consulting firm.

The tremendous rate of success already achieved along with more chronic ailments being treatable with stem cell therapy has spawned the development of marketing services that cater to both service providers and patients. 

Stem cell therapy is extremely cutting-edge technology," said Dr. David Greene, "Our centers offer safe regenerative therapies that help a lot of patients avoid potentially risky surgeries." He also added that the patients are diverse and include the elderly, executives, business owners, laborers, athletes, and celebrities. The appeal is universal because there are so many ailments that respond well to regenerative therapies.

To increase awareness in stem cell therapy while also giving back to the community, David Greene Orthopedic's organization launched the R3 Heroes Program. The initiative is a contest that offers free regenerative therapies to veterans, first responders, and teachers based on their personal stories and health-related needs. The therapy, which is performed at R3's Las Vegas Center of Excellence, includes a consultation and physical exam, the stem cell procedure, and follow-up visits.

There are several compelling stories about the progress of the Heroes on R3's website, demonstrating that science and giving back can intersect. The future looks bright for the field of stem cell therapy and the providers who are constantly looking to advance the science.


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