Dr. David Greene Arizona Shared Conditions of Knee Pain Stem Cell Therapy Can Treat?

Considering the daily load that legs bear, a problem with your knees can limit movement and millions of Americans and individuals around the world are suffering from Knee pain, added Dr. David Greene Arizona, founder, and CEO of R3 Stem Cell. Knee pain can substantially reduce ones’ quality of life and anti-inflammatory medication can only do so much. Suffice it to say, there exists a significant interest in finding solutions to address the pain and to restore healthy knee function. That’s where stem cell therapy for knees comes in.

According to Dr. David Greene, with the growing power of regenerative medicine, more physicians are now able to offer affordable, cost-effective, and – most importantly – long-lasting treatments that address pain in the short and long term. Stem cell therapy for knees carries with it the possibility to make knee joint pain obsolete.

The main conditions treated by stem cell injections include knee osteoarthritis, cartilage degeneration, and various acute conditions, such as a torn ACL, MCL, or meniscus. Stem cell therapy may speed healing times in the latter, while it can actually rebuild tissue in degenerative conditions such as the former, said Dr. David Greene Arizona. That’s a major breakthrough. Since cartilage does not regenerate, humans only have as much as they are born with. 

David Greene Orthopedic added, Once years of physical activity have worn it away from joints, there is no replacing it. Or at least, there wasn’t before stem cell therapy. Now, this cutting-edge technology enables physicians to introduce stem cells to the body. These master cells are capable of turning into formerly finite cell types to help the body rebuild and restore itself.

The good news about this form of stem cell therapy is that it often, although not always, uses the patient’s own cells. With autologous treatments, physicians can avoid the dangers that accompany donor cells. The main one of which is graft-versus-host disease, in which the donor cells initiate an immune response against the patient’s body. In autologous treatments, the cells have all the same antibodies, so neither the body nor the reintroduced cells will reject one another.


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