Knee Replacement VS Stem Cell Therapy | Dr. David Greene Arizona

Over 600000 knee replacements are performed yearly in the USA, including patients that have spent years skiing hard, marathon runners, and most are suffering from chronic arthritis. Those times have passed when surgery was the only solution but nowadays, as Dr. David Greene Arizona mentioned, there is a possibility to avoid painful surgeries by alternatively undergoing minimally invasive stem cell treatments.

In recent years, stem cell therapies have delivered more potential results for various conditions and could also potentially treat diseases such as arthritis, said Dr. David Greene. The cartilage covering the ends of the bones starts to deteriorate and wear away. As the bones lose this protective covering, they start to rub against one another. This leads to pain, swelling, and stiffness — and, ultimately, loss of function and mobility.

What is Stem Cell Treatment?

The human body is constantly manufacturing stem cells in the bone marrow. Based on certain conditions and signals in the body, stem cells are directed to where they are needed. A stem cell is an immature, basic cell that has not yet developed to become, say, a skin cell or a muscle cell or a nerve cell. According to David Greene Orthopedic, there are different types of stem cells that the body can use for different purposes.

The cartilage covering the ends of the bones enables the bones to glide smoothly against one another with only slight friction. OA causes damage to the cartilage and leads to increased friction — resulting in pain, inflammation, and ultimately, a loss of mobility and function. In theory, stem cell therapy uses the body’s own healing mechanisms to help repair and slow the deterioration of body tissues, such as cartilage.

R3 Stem Cell, an Arizona based regenerative medicine company founded by Dr. David Greene, has done thousands of procedures and also patients who were suffering from knee diseases and were advised for surgery are cured. Stem Cell treatments are a revolution in the medical industry and are saving individuals from painful surgeries and delivering tremendous results.


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